Razzera is an evolution, a sum, a legacy passed from father to son. The experience of woodworking, the view on machines and processes, the line of the architect Ibanez Razzera, merges with the talent, youth, and innovative perspective of Lorenzo Razzera.
minimal sideboard
recato sideboard
Sotile Stool
Tiê Stool
alma Chair
alva Chair
Arc Chair
bodó Chair
bucco Chair
Coral Chair
kahlo Chair
Kore Chair
levi Chair
levi Chair whithout spheres
mitti Chair
palla Chair
senda Chair
Skin Chair
Sela Chair
Sofi Chair
Sotille Chair
Tiê chair
Vita Chair
Clusia Lighting
Oroboro Lighting
Remo Lighting
Soul Lighting
libra coffee Table
Abbraccio Armchair
Arc Armchair
Coral Armchair
forza Armchair
gamboa Armchair
palla Armchair
toro Armchair
Trenta Armchair /Puf